
Migraine, Gorman

Drawing of a woman with red hair in bed with eyes closed. There is a window with a brown frame and yellow curtains in the background.

I got the inspiration from [Edward] Hopper. The window with yellow curtains. I open a window when I have a huge migraine episode. A bad smell, scent. anything can trigger me. This is my off day, the weather is nice, weather is awful, I always have migraines on my off days, in pain and in bed, I killed all day in bed, in the dark. I'm feeling in the dark. Everything feels so dark and disgusting. It's just ugly. 

depressed, it's beyond pain, depression. 

The chalk gives you a little bit of freedom. You can use your fingers, you can erase things. It’s messy, makes your fingers dirty, but easy to clean. I also love watercolor. Watercolor represents calm. Didn't want to use it. There’s a water bottle on the dresser. It’s so annoying to tell me to drink water.

Five or six years ago I was so lonely, so single, There was nobody in my life for 1000 years. This evokes that time. That time was dark and lonely, during a migraine I feel lonely - I don't want to see people I want to be lonely.


Small Headache #6


Two Worlds, One Life