How to Support the Event

Thank you for considering sponsorship of the chronic pain art exhibit, Illuminating the Invisible: The Beauty Behind the Pain!

Your support will enable us to raise awareness and understanding of chronic pain through the transformative power of art.

Below are the sponsorship levels available for your consideration.

Chronic Pain(t) Warriors


Helps to offset facility fee for launch event

Everything from previous levels plus:

  • A feature in an upcoming newsletter

  • A 2 hour customized workshop run by CPP or a speaker from the board at your event

  • 10 Free tickets to launch event


Up to $1,000

Sponsors artists to fly in for event

Everything from previous levels plus:

  • Prominent name/logo placement on event materials and promotions

  • Recognition in event materials, press releases and promotions

  • Opportunity to provide giveaways, flyers at the launch event in fall 2024

  • Special acknowledgment during opening remarks at event

  • 6 Free tickets to launch event


Up to $500

Supports food and drink for launch event

Everything from previous level plus:

  • Thank you gift at the event

  • Acknowledgement on social media and Chronic Pain Project website

  • 4 Free tickets to launch event


Up to $100

Supports the cost of shipping art to event

  • Name on website as a ground floor contributor

  • Free subscription to our newsletter

  • Free ticket to launch event

The Chronic Pain Project is a 503(c)(3).

Please consult with your financial or tax advisors concerning appropriate monetary value to your gifts in accordance with IRS tax regulations. If you need a copy of our letter, are sending a check, or have any questions, please Contact Us.

Chronic Pain Project Sponsors