Low Back Pain, NR
“So and you can see that the back is inflamed. Okay, which is true. All right. And then there's the devil one as I verbalized to you before. When I searched around, there were a couple of cartoony devils and I thought, no, I really want a devil looking devil with a devilish face.
This is not a fun or humorous kind of thing. And then the wheel of pain just sort of came to me as a way of describing how I never know what to expect. You could range from you can see at nine o'clock, no pain, or at, I guess, o'clock 11. It's a it's a random mix.
So sometimes it hurts when I sit and stand regardless of what I'm doing, and so that's always an unknown. And it's sort of like, you could see the Thought Bubble coming from the devil, which is what's it going to be today?”