
The Chronic Connection Podcast: Helping Women Live Well with Chronic Illness

Join our supportive community of women as we share stories of resilience, practical tips, and lessons for how to live well with health challenges. Tune into each episode to connect with others who are also going through the challenges of chronic illness.

The Chronic Pain Experience Podcast

Conversations about chronic pain management, the chronic pain experience and interviews with experts to inspire, motivate and change your relationship to pain.

Brave UX: Sewing Accessible Threads and Meeting Stephen Hawking

Janna Kimel shares her remarkable story of meeting Stephen Hawking, how she's growing grassroots accessibility, and how to better navigate today’s job market.

Uncharted Journey: Janna Kimel - Empowering Empath

Janna has faced and continues to fight chronic pain for much of her life. And rather than let it slow her down, she has combined her worlds in launching the Chronic Pain Project. This passion project is a coming together of her love of art, empathy building, and her experience as a researcher. She understands that chronic pain can be intense and isolating and wants to bring others together to visualize the experience and share their stories.