The Blind Bus Driver

Not necessarily chronic pain, but a sweet story from a relative about another relative long passed.

Benny Blue (Blumenau)? He was my great-uncle, and I don't think he went blind due to a lack of money, his sister (my grandmother) also had glaucoma and she managed hers with drops just fine and had vision until she died of cancer many years later. The story I heard was that he was stubborn and didn't want to use eye drops every day with a predictable outcome. He was quite a character, he was blind all of my life but certainly did lots of amazing things anyway. My mom took him dune buggy driving once on the beach at the Oregon coast and he was so happy to drive again with her telling him when to turn from the passenger seat. He worked for CTA for many years and told everyone he was a bus driver just to give them a fright. - As told by Shoshanah Epstein


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